Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Political twist; from political row to court.

The political war of words between the Prime Minister and Opposition leader of Solomon Islands is taking another twist. Their political row is now heading to court.                                                      
Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo last week has lodged a defamation case against Opposition leader Dr. Derrick Sikua. This was for the alleged defamatory statements by Dr Sikua against the Prime Minister which was published in the media. The Opposition leader in response also lodged a criminal complain against the Prime Minister. The Opposition leader in a media statement last week challenged the Prime Minister to face him in court.
Dr Sikua said he is prepared to provide to the court all evidences which showed the alleged involvement of the Prime Minister in the illegal change of shares in China United by Austree. The Opposition Leader alleged the people who were involved in the change of shares scandal admitted to have been subject to political pressure from the Prime Minister to carry out this alleged criminal act.

Prime Minister Lilo in response to Dr Sikua's lodging of criminal complain against him said the Opposition leader needs to produce facts in his public statements.
The twist has brought much uncertainty and lack of trust on the current Solomon Islands’ government. Why firing each other rather than working together to stabilize and progress the country forward? This indicates leaders of no vision. Corruptions engulf the government system. Many allegations against leaders unsolved. Who will solve these allegations when the very people who endorse and uphold laws are themselves involved.                                                                         
The current twist leading to lodging of cases to court indicates how the current leaders hardly solve their own problems. Hence a country cannot solve its problems when its own leaders are unable to solve their own or personal differences.                                                                                          
I believe, the two leaders are trying as much to gain trust and support from the people after much war of words and allegations stamped against their names. Both want to win for personal gain not for the country.

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